What on Earth is an annulment?
From time to time I get asked the question to explain what an annulment is because this individual desires to have his/her marriage annulled. Annulments
From time to time I get asked the question to explain what an annulment is because this individual desires to have his/her marriage annulled. Annulments
Domestic relations cases are emotional. The parties often feel as though their lives are turning upside down and they have no control. All of these
Criminal records can follow an individual for a life time, affecting the individual’s ability to gain employment, obtain housing or even their ability to pursue
A common question asked by clients is: Do I have to pay Attorney Fees if my spouse has a Legal Aid Attorney? Well, the answer
In Florida, when a child is born of a Mother and Father whom are not married to each other, the child is considered born “out
For those of you that are in the midst of a “custody” battle one of the key items that drives both parties is the issue
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